There are other ways to go blind than masturbation

In one of my previous posts, I mentioned my eye issues. I said I’ll explain later.

It’s been over 2 years since I got diagnosed with type II diabetes. At the time when I found out, I was biking / running 3-4 times a week.

WTF, right!

I went through a diabetes eye test a bit later and there were no issues at all. 18 months later, I had a severe *stye attack*, I had to go to an ophthalmologist. She decided it is a good time to do another diabetes eye test and …. wait for it….

I have diabetic retinopathy! Yay!


The only thing worse isĀ if I have to stop running because of this.

Diabetic retinopathy affects blood vessels in the light-sensitive tissue called the retina that lines the back of the eye. It is the most common cause of vision loss among people with diabetes and the leading cause of vision impairment and blindness among working-age adults. ~National Eye Institute

I am going through laser coagulation treatment now. Hopefully that will contain the leaks and stabilize it. If not, I am moving to Oregon, you know!

Read more
Diabetic Retinopathy –
Laser Coagulation –