Iceland – a humbling experience

What happened in Iceland, does not stay in Iceland.

What I mean is, 10 days later, I’m still limping around, haven’t gone out on a run etc. BUT, I’m limping around on cloud 9, you know, that one. Every time I retell my race story, it feels like I’m making it up! Even in the worst possible moments, I was able to come up with something that helped me go on! Whenever I thought I couldn’t dig any deeper, I did! It was only my physiological limitations that stopped me. I’ve cherished even the darkest moments.

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

I was screaming (more like rawr-ing, very primal) at the top of the my pitch, in the middle of the nowhere, for no one to hear, many times, many days. It is liberating, I totally recommend it.

When I landed in Iceland, I was very scared, struggling to focus on the upcoming (humongous)task, I failed to notice anything and everything. After getting back to civilization, post race, I noticed that Icelandic women are just gorgeous! And soooo friendly! I wanna go back to Iceland to explore more of …. you know… the scenery! 😉

The Race!

What happened in Iceland is slowly sinking In and I am beginning to believe it actually happened! I wrote up about the race based on what I remember. I regret not taking more, strategic pictures.

Day 1 – Monday August 29, 2016
Bright and shiny outside, totally freaking out inside! Completed the day which included a humongous hill but mostly OK terrain. Lake, lots of volcanic ash and lava. My pack was too heavy, over 32 lbs and my left shoulder took the brunt of it. Get patched by the med team in the evening. The same camp as last night, by Askja the volcano.

Day 2
Miles and miles of lava rock terrain. Was it a mistake, or did they mean it be the course! There were some beautiful mountains along the way. The highlight of the day being seeing Herðubreið, the “queen” of Icelandic mountains. A lil bit of rain towards the end of the day didn’t hurt much. But it was cold.

Day 3
Hypothermia. DNF. 35 degree, rain all day, 2 glacier river crossings (about 50ft wide each, about knee deep water). That was the day. The camp was at the most expensive camp site in the world, inside a broken volcano! Saw some Northern lights. The whiskey flask I was carrying with me with some 15 yr old Glenfiddich made my tent mates happy!

About to go into a fetal position….

Day 4
Sunny and beautiful day. Severe shin issues as a result of walking through some super unfriendly terrains, limped my way to the camp for about 15 miles off the total of 30 miles. Walking on volcanic ash is like walking on a beach! There was this beautiful waterfall (it is the most powerful one in the northern hemisphere) with a rainbow framing it where I spent some time just admiring it. Saw more, brighter, bigger Northern Lights!

Day 5
Toughest terrain, the first (almost)12 miles were through Heathland vegetation. My already injured left leg was completely mad at em for doign this! At the first checkpoint, I decided enough is enough, time to stop for the day. Not an easy decision but I had to. The truck drove me straight to the natural hot bath thigies, right next to the camp! Dipping in that spring was one of the best experience ever! After that, where I was sitting, the wind kept bringing steam out of the springs.

Day 6
The race director would not allow me to race today, citing my injury. So I went on a limping run / walk for 10+ miles on my own, without the pack, just a bottle of water and a bag of roasted chick peas (I regretted not taking my phone with me when I walked past “boiling mud” pits!). It was fun, why couldn’t I do that the whole time! 🙂

Coming up, more Iceland shit, with pictures. Stay tuned…..

The toughest 6 days of my life, yet!


Fire & Ice Ultra, Iceland’s toughest foot race, is done! In the end, I ran / walked 130ish miles in 5 days. Came short of my goal but the amazing memories that I will cherish, forever… This race, and the preparation leading up to it, which started in January 2016, changed me as a man, forever. I don’t even know where to start, to talk about all of it. All the amazing people that came into my life because of this is a huge plus. In the next few days, I will try to breakdown the little details of the whole trip to Iceland. And more heartfelt thank you notes to follow. Can’t wait to get home and be with my boys, Tango and Foxtrot! 


Queen of the mountain or Iceland. That’s what it means.

Got here this morning. From DC melting pot to 8°C, instant frozen nuts. So far…
. Had the most delicious coffee

. Ate vegan pizza

. Drank the delicious local brew Thule

. Met a few awesome athletes

. Race kit got approved

. Got the race bib

. Almost everyone I came across was staring at me. Is there a bat in the cave?

And lava…. Lots and lots of old solidified lava…. You drive on lava, you walk on lava, you piss on lava… LAVA
And it rained ALL DAY!

Starting today….

Flying out to Iceland tonight.

I had some painting accident last night. File_005

Just kidding, my awesome stylist, Cat, designed a fire and ice themed hair style for me to wear during the race! How cool, right? Here’s me with the designer! File_004.jpeg

This morning I went to see Cat (my dietitian) and George. This happened. File_008.jpeg

Here are some key players at VIDA who was there with me throughout this journey.


From L to R: Cat, Saiju, Saiju, George, Gabe, Saiju

Gabe is in charge of the Fuel bar and he hooked me up with the most delicious recovery drinks every morning for the last few months!

From now till Monday  morning when the race starts, will be hell! Do they have whiskey in Iceland?

The Intern

What does Meryl Streep, Robert De Niro, Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson(who?) have in common?

There was a Caturday night party at my place with me and the boys. We watched the movie “The Intern”. Twice. (this is a clue to the answer)


As it gets closer to my race, more and more of my body is being converted to just nerves. What is the best way to remain calm? Yoga? No. Meditation? May be. Whiskey? YES! (but i can’t) facebook-sad-smiley-facebook-symbols-and-chat-emoticons-Do1w2U-clipart Anne Hathaway? Perfectly.

I used to watch Devil Wears Prada over and over and over… to feel better when I am anxious. Now it’s “The Intern”. Why these movies, you ask? They have Anne Hathaway practically in every frame in the movie! (Now you know the answer to my original question)  There were some waterworks during the show (mostly my kitties, they are weak) but feel good movies always make me happy. This movie has plenty of such moments. It is the lil things!  960.jpg

I am the guy who can’t get a good night’s sleep even if it just 10 mile race the next morning. images So you can imagine how a 250 KM race can keep me up the whole week leading up to it. PSA: Find something that works and easy to do, to stay focused, eliminate freak-outs.

Yes, it is happening in just 7 days!

Am I ready?


Had enough training? NOOO. Packed? Somewhat. Food schedule? Thanks to my awesome dietitian, Cat, its almost there.


How do I feel? Nervous and excited. In related news, I have never felt stronger ever before (I think).

And watching The Bangles live last night was amazing. They haven’t skipped a beat. Spirits lifted, good distraction on the nervous energy. Good company that was Amy (from OK).


I wanna marry Susanna Hoffs.


Training and cowbell

Now that the running part of this training is done, let me see how much I can bitch about what was not accomplished.

My training started on the second week of January this year ~ 32 weeks
No of races planned (20+ miles)                                 17
No of races registered                                                   14
No of races completed                                                  8
longest distance planned                                            40 miles
longest distance raced                                                 26.2 miles
Major injuries                                                                  2
Time lost due to major injuries                                 9 weeks
Minor injuries                                                                ~1.2 million
time lost due to minor injuries                                  seconds

Did I get enough?

There is no such thing, training is like cowbell, you always need more.


wah…. download.png

Never too early to say thanks….

Remember, it takes a whole city(apparently) for me to get ready for this race. I’ve mentioned a few people before, who have been part of this journey from the beginning. I wanna make sure that I give them proper credit!

Ellen – my race partner, who is to blame for this mess. 12-face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-winking-eye.png She has been inspiring me from the beginning with her performance. And how humble she is about it! And front-ending all the logistics associated with this race. And for all the whiskey and beer and deelish food during our planning sessions! And driving me to race after race after…

Cat – my fabulous dietitian. She gets to be on top of this list because she has made the biggest positive change in my lifestyle. For starters(SWIDT?) I eat vegetables now, not just potatoes. She made me check the nutrition levels in my body and I find out that I have severe D deficiency (that will explain a lot of my physical problems including my eye issues – more on the eye later). Even crazier that she is not vegan herself but now knows everything about vegan diet and a (vegan)diabetic athlete!

George – he makes me smile, throughout every (tough)core training session at VIDA. And remembers every race I do (there was a fucking lot of them – even I couldn’t keep up) and checks with me at the end of every race.

Deepa – you spend a LOT of time with your coworkers. When you have someone you can call a BFF at work, it’s precious. I have no idea how she still manages to keep a smiling face and offers worthwhile responses everytime I am down. And whining.

Shantanu – my bro from anotha mutha. Puts up with all my bullshit (it’s a lot) still welcomes me with open arms everytime I visit LA(which is alot) and picks up my call everytime(again, a LOT), regardless of what time it is. Being a neuroscientist, he dukes out some seriously solid advises that you should never question, but I always do.

Dr. Salcedo – I haven’t said a word about Dr. Salcedo until now, though we have been working together since March (and her lovely assistant Virginia). She is my physical therapist and a tremendous resource for an athlete with her wealth of knowledge. She fixed my tendinitis and my injured back, quickly, like a boss. I learned a LOT about performing like an athlete from her! You can go see her at Chirocentric. Tell her Saiju sent ya!

Lisa – I have not mentioned Lisa either! She is a Rolfer extraordinaire, who keeps my body parts from separating out (or something like that). Cat connected us and it’s been awesome! I cry everytime during the session but feel AMAZING after!

Amy – my RNP who has been on *it* to keep me running and do other crazy things in spite of my diabetes and a slew of related and unrelated shitty issues!

Michelle – I have known Michelle for over 15 years now. I have been talking to her about racing recently and we are going to run a marathon together in October. Talking to her made me pay attention to a lot of minor details that will make a major difference. There are a bunch of them, which I might write about later.

Sumit – my bro I’ve known since 1990 (that’s a whopping 26+ years)! When I was not sure of running this race in the beginning, he talked to me in such a way that made sense to me to push my limits and pursue my goals! Bonus points to him for not using the term YOLO.

Amy (from OK) – my partner in crime, lately. Huge emotional support provider (because I am emotionally weak and a big time whiner), who told me “you are not shallow, you are discerning” which was a revolting concept for me! Bonus points for being an excellent yoga instructor.

Sonali, Rajesh and Sona, Rajesh and Sreeja, Rajesh and Kavitha (haha, they make it easy for me to remember their names), Santhosh and Lekshmi, JK, Tripti, Komal, Thenna…. some way or the other were there for me.

And then there is lovely Stephanie. My kitties love her and so do I. I can go away for races peacefully without worrying about Tango and Foxtrot thanks to Steph being there for us. And she is ALWAYS smiling.

Here is to hoping I won’t let my team down.

Another (incomplete) race

Registered for 50K, ran a (almost)marathon.

Does it matter that I was carrying 20 lbs on my back? Well, my back and shoulders thought so! And that the terrain was kinda run-unfriendly? super-sad-emoticon

Dahlgren Heritage Rail (in King George, VA) was a pretty decent race. There were ZERO hills! What!? And they had PBJ on the race course (may be that will explain why I couldn’t go all the way, too full to run – yes that’s a real condition)! There options at the end of the race, a medal or a koozy or a drinking glass. Guess what I took?


Oh, and no points for guessing how far Ellen went. But the best part of her race (I’m guessing) was the fact that she finished just 15 minutes after I did, after running 6 additional miles!

20 days to go! Fuuuuuuucckk….

PS: Watch this space for a lot of whining on what I could not accomplish during this training season.

Half-ass Training

I don’t train properly. Ever.

So what if I don’t follow the training plan well for a marathon or a century bike ride or a Tough Mudder? I may perform slower. Goals not met. NBD. But Fire & Ice Ultra is different. Lack of training may kill you. Or give you a permanent injury.

I lost 5 weeks about half way through my training season due to a tendinitis. Then another 4 weeks due to a back in jury. So about 33 weeks of the training season is now 24 weeks. The target of 700+ miles of running is standing at about 300+ now. 2 20 hr. days planned never happened.

Am I ready to get thru this fucking race? I’ll find out in about 3 weeks.

Panicking? Who da fuq you call panicking?
